Friday 2 September 2011

Make your LINE FOLLOWER ROBOT ready in just 2 Hr.

Note:   1. In this section  FIRST  i will discuss  VERY BASICS ABOUT ROBOTICS.
               2.Then how to make a simple manual robot , so That  you can design a "CHASSIS" for Ur line follower  ROBOT. 
               3.  Some part of this article is directly taken from IIT's tutorial in order to save TIME  .

Robotics is majorly divided into 2 categories:  
1.  Human Controlled Robotics (Manual Robotics)  
2.  Autonomous Robotics  

Manual Robotics is the one in which the human controls the robot using a joystick or switches.  

Whereas, in autonomous robotics, there is no human intervention while the robot performs a 
specific task. It is coded and programmed to do a specific task only.  

We have always got complaints that people want to build a simple robot, but they don’t know 
where to start. So, we thought why not take this initiative of providing tutorials for beginners? 
The beginning is always

Tuesday 30 August 2011

How to write a C program for your ROBOT ,DISPLAY DRIVERS & EMBEDDED SYSTEM

                                                         EMBEDDED C
If you are reading this article , believe me in the next few hours , I will make you  able to write your own C PROGRAM for the basic applications in embedded system and robotics.

How to Read :
1.Read each line slowly(feel it) and imagine what it really means .If you are not in mood or you have any other things/work to think , it is recommended that Don't read this article .
2.For better understanding run the written programs in KEIL SIMULATOR

NOTE-This article is only for beginners

1. Why C ?
2. Data Types
3. Time delay
4. I/O operations
5. Logical & Arithmetic operations
6. Data Serialization 

why C ?
  • Assembly language is "tedious" & "time consuming" while C is easier to write and less time consuming.
  • MODULAR property : Easy to modify and Update . This property of C allows the programmer to divide the main task in to sub-tasks where  each sub task is independent of each other so that it can be distributed among 5 or 6 programmers .The Last stage of this  is to assemble all the sub tasks to perform the main task. The sub tasks are called functions .Now suppose any function has got some  error or defect  or simply you want to optimize/enhance/modify it ,then there is no need to change the whole program ,Simply you can give this particular function to the person it belong to rectify it.
  • You can import/reuse "some already built functions"  from library in order  to reduce cost & time.

Saturday 27 August 2011


 The very first question teacher ask , in the 1st Lecture of  8051 class is that :
     what is difference between microcontroller & microprocessor ?
  what answer they expect from the students :
     microprocessors has only CPU & contains no RAM, no ROM , no I/O ports on the chip
      itself while microcontrollers has CPU in addition to a Fixed amount of RAM ,ROM, I/O ports and timers on a SINGLE CHIP.
   but this answer is not true always. 

               TVs,Fax machine,Telephones,remote controls,Video games,Cellular phones,
                musical instruments,Camera,printers,Engine control,Air bags,instrumentation
                Security system,Transmission control,Climate control and off course my
                favourite application ROBOTICS.
      these applications are sometimes referred as EMBEDDED SYSTEM products.

COMPANIES providing microcontrollers :
               DALLAS Semi/MAXIM                                    ....and many more.

INSIDE the microcontroller :
                                                Take an example of university , they have separate section for 
        MANAGING accounting,admission,examination,sports,research & development ,training
        & placement ,students affair etc , In the same way microcontroller has different section to perform
        dedicated operation.
         As you can see the building blocks of microcontroller :

  •          suppose you are watching television ,after 15 minute your MOM ask to come to        dining hall for dinner . So watching television is the program running in microcontroller & calling by Ur mom is external signal interfering Ur watching/program called Interrupt.  e.g   activate an alarm in a BLAST FURNACE if temperature exceed  480K.
  • program which is running in

Tuesday 23 August 2011


COMPONENTS required :
  •      voltage regulator(L7805CV)
  •      comparator(LM324)
  •      tri pod
  •      motor controller(L293D)
  •      8051 (P89V51RD2) architecture
  •      input devices
  •      output devices
voltage regulator :
     need : Our whole kit will work at 5v. In electronics store 12v , 9v battery is common. So we need to convert  12v to 5v.
      desc :  It has got 3 pin. Connect +12v of Ur battery to left pin , GND to middle pin , Get +5v from the
                 rightmost pin.

   comparator :
    need :Digitisation of Analog voltage signal
    desc : As u can see , there are 4 symmetrical structure inside the chip.Each one is having 3 pin.
             Suppose you want to compare two voltage v1, v2 such that:
                                                                 if ( v1 > v2 )
                                                                     give o/p as +5v
                                                                     give o/p as 0v
             If you think for at least 5min , you will realise it is nothing but digitisation of Analog Signal.
            Just connect  comparing voltage to pin2 , pin3 . Get the OUTPUT through pin1.
  •  Connect +5v to pin4 , GND to pin1.
  • You can compare 4 i/p signal here.
   tri pod :
      need : In the coparator you need two values to compare.One value is coming from the i/p device & what
                 about the other one ?
          the other one is coming from tri pod. It is mainly for setting one value for comparator(your choice).
       desc :              Its physics is similar to