Tuesday, 23 August 2011


COMPONENTS required :
  •      voltage regulator(L7805CV)
  •      comparator(LM324)
  •      tri pod
  •      motor controller(L293D)
  •      8051 (P89V51RD2) architecture
  •      input devices
  •      output devices
voltage regulator :
     need : Our whole kit will work at 5v. In electronics store 12v , 9v battery is common. So we need to convert  12v to 5v.
      desc :  It has got 3 pin. Connect +12v of Ur battery to left pin , GND to middle pin , Get +5v from the
                 rightmost pin.

   comparator :
    need :Digitisation of Analog voltage signal
    desc : As u can see , there are 4 symmetrical structure inside the chip.Each one is having 3 pin.
             Suppose you want to compare two voltage v1, v2 such that:
                                                                 if ( v1 > v2 )
                                                                     give o/p as +5v
                                                                     give o/p as 0v
             If you think for at least 5min , you will realise it is nothing but digitisation of Analog Signal.
            Just connect  comparing voltage to pin2 , pin3 . Get the OUTPUT through pin1.
  •  Connect +5v to pin4 , GND to pin1.
  • You can compare 4 i/p signal here.
   tri pod :
      need : In the coparator you need two values to compare.One value is coming from the i/p device & what
                 about the other one ?
          the other one is coming from tri pod. It is mainly for setting one value for comparator(your choice).
       desc :              Its physics is similar to
                                   1. Here P is a point of  contact of o/p line and line AB
                                   2. As p moves towards terminals A or B
                                                                     Resistance will CHANGE...-> Voltage across o/p change
                                                                                                                          (Limit= +5v to 0v)
                                   3.In this way you can get any voltage V between +5v to 0v.

       motor-controller :
                need :      In general your nearby electronics shop provide motors operational at +12v.
                            But your microcontroller gives o/p of +5v.
                            So we need to convert +5v to +12v , in order to make motor to work.
               desc :     Connect 1 to 16 pin of  L293D  as given above.
                                  -> OUTput - connect DC motor1 to pin (3,6)
                                                       connect DC motor2 to pin (11,14) 
                                  ->INput -  . 21 pin_no of 8051 connected  to pin_no 2 of L293D
                                                   . 22 pin_no of 8051 connected  to pin_no 7 of L293D
                                                   . 23 pin_no of 8051 connected  to pin_no 10 of L293D
                                                   . 24 pin_no of 8051 connected  to pin_no 15 of L293D
                                   ->POWer supply :
                                                                  pin_no 10 &16 & 1 of L293D is connected to +5v
                                                                   pin_no 8 of L293D is connected to 0v

                                               8051 architecture **connection details only 
         need : It is BRAIN to process each i/p coming from the i/p devices.
                           Gives the o/p to o/p devices.
                      In my view , you can not imagine a WORLD without microcontroller.
                  desc:  note :
                    I  am explaining only that part which is essencial for making your                                                                                                                                 
                     microcontroller kit. So that you start experimenting quickly. There is a whole world behind                                                                                        
                                microcontroller . We are providing details about 8051 in our next post.

                   Lets begin :
                                First  have a look at above diagram for 5 min , then read the manual :
                        I/P pins : P1.0 , P1.1 , P1.2 ,P1.3  (we will extend it in future experiments)
                   pin 1 of microcontroller is connected with pin 1 of comparator
           pin 2 of microcontroller is connected with pin 7 of comparator
                   pin 3 of microcontroller is connected with pin 8 of comparator
           pin 4 of microcontroller is connected with pin 14 of comparator

                       o/p pins : P2.0 , P2.1 , P2.2 , P2.3 , P2.4 , P2.5 , P2.6 , P2.7
                     pin 21 of microcontroller is connected with pin 2 of  motor-controller
           pin 22 of microcontroller is connected with pin 7 of motor-controller
                   pin 23 of microcontroller is connected with pin 10 of motor-controller
           pin 24 of microcontroller is connected with pin 15 of motor-controller


              1. Two pins of CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR ( 11.0592 MHZ ) is 18 19 of
              microcontroller . Same two pins of crystal on the opposite size connected with two capacitor
                  of 33pf , and other ends of capacitor is grounded as shown above.
         2. pin 10 11 of microcontroller is used for serial communication .
             just connect it with 2 male connector.
             3.connect one end of RESET switch to pin 9 of microcontroller  , other end is connected to pin 31              
                      & +5V (see diagram).  One capacitor (10µF) is also connected in parallel as well as one  resistance of 8K as shown in diagram .

             4.  connect pin 31 40 of microcontroller to +5V.

             5. pin 20 of microcontroller to GND

   You need/should to buy some components : 
                    1. DC MOTOR (NUMBER-2 ,60 RPM)
                    2.USB SERIAL CABLE WITH DRIVER (64 , 32 depends on Ur operating system )
                    3.SERIAL PROGRAMMER ( flash Magic compatible ) LINK :
                    4.Connector wire ( no - 20 ) {optional } LINK
                    5.solder iron , solder wire & paste
                    6.ZIP(base board for chips)-- 20pin ,14pin ,16pin etc

        INPUT DEVICE :                                                                
            need :YOU can compare it with eye ,ear , nose etc of human body . Just think what is the purpose of
                                 all these things in human body system ?
                It acts as an INTERFACE for the system to interact with an external environment .
            desc : Its (i/p devices)  output is regularly ( continuous , discrete ) fed into microcontroller .         
                         The signals from i/p devices undergoes some processing before going to microcontroller.
                                   ( As in our case DIGITIZATION of analog value . )

       sensor for line detecting :

transmitter-infrared LED , Receiver-photo-diode

  •  Make a connection as above diagram .
  •  LED is for emitting light.
  •  Photo-diode is for receiving light intensity
  •  On BLACK surface light emitting from LED is almost absorbed
  • So no light will be reflected from surface to photo-diode
  •  -> Resistance of Photo-diode >> 14.94 k 
  • If it had been WHITE surface then    Resistance of Photo-diode <<14.94k.
  • So we will get output voltage closer to +5V if the surface is black and gives appx. 0V if the surface is white.

          OUTPUT DEVICE :   
                need : Suppose you are reading this article with full concentration and  Suddenly one SNAKE  fall
                                down between your face and Ur PC display from anywhere from the sky.
                                               what is Ur first action?
                   BODY ->  A system  .....Ur application
                   EYE    ->   i/p device....Like Camera
                   BRAIN->  decide what action to take place(processing)
                                        give command to Ur Leg (o/p device) to RUN .............Like microcontroller
                    LEG   -> o/p device....Alarm , LCD display ,motor in Ur case.
feel free to ask any doubt if you are facing any problem while 

we will appreciate if you share any knowledge/IDEA related to this field.

data-sheet : 
   any suggestion about what you would like to see in the next article or to highlight errors in this articles or for any doubt please drop a line in this column...
                               or   contact : aies.hsprofessionals@gmail.com

Upcoming POST :

  • How to write a C program for your ROBOT ,DISPLAY DRIVERS & EMBEDDED SYSTEM
  • Make your LINE FOLLOWER ROBOT  ready in just 2 Hr.
  • Wireless control of your ROBOT via PC using TX433 & RX433.
  • Wireless communication between two or more ROBOT.
  • Physics behind TOUCH PAD DISPLAY.
  • Use that TOUCH PAD to remotely control ( wireless control over range 400 ft ,8kbps,434MHZ)             your ROBOT .
  • Discussion on DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING and INTERFACING CAMERA      with your  kit and your laptop.                

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